Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sweetie Jazzy Pants

Before we left to go to the ocean on our last weekend before we took Jazzy to class we went to so many parks.  The first picture is at Elk River Fall which we went to a few times.  There was a nice swimming hole in front of the falls, but I felt so bad when I went in it because Jazzy got so worried.  When I would come near her she would reach out her paws and try to get me to come back in.  And then hen I did come back to the shore she would sit on me so that I would not go back in.  She makes me feel so good.
The very last day before we left I took Jazzy to her two favorite parks.  One is in Moscow where she often gets to meet some other dogs and she loves to meet them and then play in the water.  The other park is the park right by our house.  I took a couple pictures of her at this park and she looks so sophisticated so I put one in:
As we were leaving our house for the last time Jazzy knew something was up because first of all she did not want to even go outside.  Then when I got her outside she didn't want to leave the front porch.  She just sat there and would not move, she even took a last sniff of the flowers on the porch:

We had so much fun with Jazzy before she went back to school in Oregon.  We went  berry picking (which she loved because once in a while she would pick a berry off of the bush all by herself), hiking in Oregon, and playing on the beach and in the ocean.  She loved the beach and loved to roll/tackle the sand.

We also climbed a huge sand dune and she just trotted along like it was hard ground while we fell back half way on every step.  She didn’t get in the ocean too much, but she would go in to cool off and once in a while she would go in to jump the waves with me.  It was so cute – we would walk in together until a couple waves hit us and then when there was a larger wave coming we would both run out while trying to keep in front of the wave.  She is a pretty good water hopper.
A couple other fun things that we got to do with Jazzy was take her on a hike to a beautiful water fall.  She loves hiking.  When I think of Jazzy I always picture her as she looks when we went hiking because she was always so excited and smiling so big.  She loves to hold the leash herself in her mouth when we go hiking, it is so cute.  

The picture on the right is us at the falls and the one on the left is us in front of the Yaquina Head Lighthouse.  Because she is a Guide Dog Training she got to go up in the light house and the stairs were so steep but she went up and down them like a pro.

The last 5 pictures are just her on the morning before we took her back.  She took the dragon out with her to relieve in the morning and carried it all the way out and back and kept it in her mouth until I mentioned breakfast.

She always liked searching through her bag to find the exact toy she was looking for and of course she did it the last morning before she left.

 Her last nap in the hotel:


On the last morning we went to four different parks on our way to Boring and she loved each one.  2 of them were state parks and were gorgeous.  At one of the state parks she got stung by a bee and I felt so bad.  After going to all of the parks she only wanted to lay on the cool floor in the car and we drove to the Guide Dog campus.  
When we dropped her off she was not very interested in Ryan and I because she could hear so many dogs.  They let us take her right in and put her in her kennel.  We saw Jaya while we were there and Jazzy said Hi to her.  Just before we put Jazzy in her kennel I gave her a big kiss on the top of her head (because she would not look at me with all of the dogs around) and then she went in and they gave her a bone and a bed. 
Jazzy is progressing so well and we really hope she makes it as a guide.  Jazzy is so awesome.