All the puppies had a great time at the Canine Carnival. They almost out numbered the people so some us had to handle two or three at a time. It was quite tricky, but the puppies sure loved playing together.
Jazzy, Jaya, and Nigella had a great time playing in the puppy pen. While Jazzy and Jaya played Nigella would often navigate herself into the opposite corner to pose for pictures. She really is quite the diva. In order to pose perfectly for the camera she had to steer clear of the crazy black puppies.

After playing and receiving a lot of attention they all decided it was time to take a nap together.
While the three small puppies took a nap Jakota was playing musical hula hoops. It's a good thing she didn't win because the prize was dog icecream.
The "Big Boys", Fallon and Willy were left sleeping by the tent. Fallon woke up for a minute and he must have been slobbering because when he sat up there were pine needles stuck to the side of his face.
After the agility dogs finished their competitions, the guide puppies went to play on the equipment. Although not all the puppies thought it was fun.

We got a couple of the pups to go through the tunnels and two almost right together. Once Jazzy began speeding through the tunnel, Willy decided it didn't look so bad, so he followed her through. Somehow, I caught a picture of Jazzy running through the tunnel and Fallon leaping out the end.
The next mission for the day was to get all the puppies together for pictures, but without people.
It wasn't going really well so many of the leads were hooked to Fallon. He did a pretty good job of keeping them together, but I don't know if he enjoyed it.
We gave the puppies some water in Willy's small bowl to get them together. It definitely drew all of their attention, but they had quite the time trying to drink at the same time.
And those were the best group puppy pictures out of several!!! That is what you expect of dogs though, especially six of them together.
The two sisters sure were cute together.
Unlike Nigella, Jazzy doesn't really like to pose, but she sure did hold still well for this photo:
It had been a long day for all of the puppies. After we arrived back home Willy thought it would be fun to cool off in the pool.
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